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TypeScript 5.0: new mode bundler & ESM

5 min read • Posted on April 11, 2023

In TypeScript 5.0, 2 new features were released:

  • moduleResolution: bundler
  • allowImportingTsExtensions

(see release note)

Let’s dive into what these allow us to solve.



Let’s take this piece of code:

export const foo = "foo";
// bar.ts
import { foo } from "./foo";
export const bar = `${foo} sets a new bar`;

If we want to transpile this plain JavaScript, with module: CommonJS set in our tsconfig.json, we’d get something like:

// OUTPUT = "foo";
// bar.js
const { foo } = require("./foo"); = `${foo} sets a new bar`;

But now you could tell me:

“Wait, I thought that JS now supports import/export? Also, isn’t this require/exports only for Node.js?”

Yes, you’re totally right! import/export are part of ESM (ECMAScript Modules). And require/exports are indeed only valid in Node.js.

Let’s try to use ESM!


You can enable this via module: es6 / es2020 / esnext / node16 in your tsconfig.json.
With the same input, we’d get:

export const foo = "foo";
// bar.js
import { foo } from "./foo";
export const bar = `${foo} sets a new bar`;

“Wait, what’s the catch here? This seems to be valid!”

In the ECMAScript spec, they mention that imports need to have a file extension, so import { foo } from './foo'; is not valid (see in Node.js’s doc).

Which extension should we pick?

Okay, let’s say I want to build for ESM, what extension should I write in my source code?
Let’s try a different code samples:


With a .ts extension:

export const foo = "foo";
// bar.ts
import { foo } from "./foo.ts";
export const bar = `${foo} sets a new bar`;

we’d get this code in JS:

export const foo = "foo";
// bar.js
import { foo } from "./foo.ts";
export const bar = `${foo} sets a new bar`;

You can see that this cannot work: foo.ts doesn’t exist in the generated code as the generated file is named foo.js


Okay, so what about with a .js file then?

export const foo = "foo";
// bar.ts
import { foo } from "./foo.js";
export const bar = `${foo} sets a new bar`;

This would generate:

export const foo = "foo";
// bar.js
import { foo } from "./foo.js";
export const bar = `${foo} sets a new bar`;

This indeed works! Hoorah! We have some working code with TypeScript & ESM 🎉
This is the official way of supporting ESM in TS files:

The only issue is that we have to write down foo.js in the source TS file, which is weird 😕 (as the file doesn’t exist during dev time).

Why are extensions required in ESM?

Due to how the web works, it has to work with files that are fully pre-determined, otherwise when writing import './foo', if it implemented the same logic as node, we’d have to download: foo.js, foo.cjs, foo.mjs, foo/index.js, etc.
So for browsers, it makes more sense to treat the import as the reference.

Why isn’t the transform of the extension automatically done by TypeScript?

TypeScript never rewrites module specifiers in its JavaScript emit.

I don’t have the exact reasons why they don’t do it, but to me this would counterproductive as there are more differences between CommonJS & ESM (see TS v4.7 release note).
So enforcing the use of the extensions, is a great way to tell people that we are in ESM, and also is closer to the underlying generated JS logic.

Summary of the issue

To support ESM, we need to:

  • Change all imports use .js, .cjs, or .mjs -> large update,
  • The new imports don’t match the source files,
  • Tools like webpack/esbuild/deno do support .ts files in paths, so why is this an issue?

Solution: allowImportingTsExtensions

In TypeScript 5.0, a new option was added: allowImportingTsExtensions, which allows users to use .ts in imports!

The only requirement with it, is that we cannot emit code anymore (as this wouldn’t produce any valid JavaScript code).

So either noEmit: true needs to be set, or emitDeclarationOnly: true (as importing .ts files is allowed in .d.ts files).

We can now write the following (useful for Deno for instance):

export const foo = "foo";
// bar.ts
import { foo } from "./foo.ts";
export const bar = `${foo} sets a new bar`;

Solution: moduleResolution: bundler

Enabling the .ts extension is already a bonus, but why should we write any extension at all when the code is bundled anyway by Webpack, Vite, esbuild, Parcel, rollup, swc?

If your code is bundled, there is now a new option that you can use starting with TypeScript 5.0: moduleResolution: bundler (see PR that added it).


  • tells TypeScript that you’re code will be bundled by another tool, and thus to loosen the rules with imports (can have no extension, or use .ts extensions)
  • requires to use module set to es2015 or later (which enables parsing exports in package.json and other changes)

Note: Using es2015 or later will enable new rules in TS (e.g.: like disabling require), so it won’t be a no-op.


Module resolution in TypeScript is complex, and has evolved over the years. TypeScript 5.0 added 2 new tools to allow adapting the tool in more contexts than before. But they all come with requirements.